Revit Modelling India

Enhance the power of BIM with augmented and virtual reality

Virtual Reality

It has been usually witnessed there are changes in the ways of designing as the technology evolves. The blog has been designed to show you the ways in which virtual reality and augmented reality are connected to the BIM world.

It has been stated that virtual reality and augmented reality shall be representing the fourth wave in terms of technological growth which shall be able to invest the ways in which we are operating. We thus can state that we are standing at the breakthrough where augmented reality and virtual reality will be able to present the actual advantages which are being employed in various sectors, especially in terms of construction field.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality as an expression came to existence in the year 1992 which is termed as the enrichment of the sensory perception using various levels of information which can be perceptible using the different five senses. After coming into existence in the military field this reality just like different technical innovations has been used in used in advertising and marketing fields to slowly conquer tourism and video game sector as well.

Information which improves perceived reality could be used through appropriate markers. The software that is required to identify such markers gets overlapped with the original image added content like audio, video and other 3D objects.

Augmented reality is well suited for various interior designing applications as it is able to present virtual furniture set in different rooms.

Virtual Reality

The virtual reality is born through the wish of replicating the reality of the non real world, generating the characteristics in accordance with sensorial point of view and then performs various actions existing in virtual space while overcoming economical, physical and security limits. In case of VR the information can be subtracted or added electronically. Finally, data is rebuilt using computer and thus become preponderant to the point it deceived senses and generate the feelings of being immersed in the virtual situations.

Virtual reality has the power to reproduce various three dimensional models for any project. So, we may say that augmented reality is defined on enhancing the senses and on the other hand VR is completely based on altering the senses.

Also, we are allowed to consider immersive reality to be an evolution to VR which can be done by wearing certain viewer which can immerse you in into some new reality.

Virtual Reality and BIM

BIM or Building Information Modelling has been stated to be the digital representation of functional and physical characteristics of any object and it can be termed as model for:

  • Design
  • Program
  • Realization
  • Maintenance

For a construction which uses the information model which contains various information relating to the life cycle which starts from project and end on construction and also involve dismantling and demolition stages.

It can be then easily understood the ways in which virtual reality is connected to BIM.

BIM thus allows obtaining 3D models of the building which according to the definition are the model for virtual reality.

It is obvious to state that one can create virtual environment while the features have been defined and when the project has already been drafted using BIM software and the model contains series of special and geometric information on colours, materials etc.

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